Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sabbath School Insights Correction

Dear “Insights” Subscribers,


I’d like to share an e-mail we received concerning the use of an incorrect word in “Insights” No. 6 that was sent out yesterday:


“Take a look at the next to the last paragraph in this week’s Insight. The first sentence says: ‘God is pleading with His church to come away from the “fable” gospel that uses human logic to resist the idea that character transformation is  impossible this side of heaven.’


“It seems to me that it should read ‘possible’ rather than ‘impossible.’ It is those who oppose the Good News of 1888 who tell us it is impossible to overcome sin this side of the second coming.”


Pastor Donald A. Short

Georgia-Cumberland Conference


Thank you to Pastor Short and other thoughtful readers who brought this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion.


Carol Kawamoto

For “Insights”


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