Special Insights No. 12
First Quarter 2006
Families in the Family of God
(Produced by the Editorial Board of the 1888 Message Study Committee)
Turning Hearts in the End Time
Our Lesson for this Sabbath is fascinating! This great Lesson is about the special message that is on Gods agenda for our immediate future.
Just as the Jews in the days of John the Baptist were all excited about the coming of their long-awaited Messiah, so we today are awaiting the coming of our long-awaited Elijah who will minister reconciliation of alienated hearts, and prepare people to meet Jesus when He returns.
In 6000 long years of human history only two people have escaped death and been translatedEnoch (before the flood of Noah) and Elijah. Why has God chosen to send us Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord rather than Enoch? The reason is clear: Elijah had to meet the terrible national apostasy of Baal-worship; and Ellen White tells us that again Baal-worship has become a great problem in the remnant church, the
As a consequence of our rejecting in a great degree and in a great measure the glorious beginning of the Loud Cry of Revelation 18:1-4 (cf. Selected Messages, book 1, pp. 234, 235; 1896), the Lords messenger was given the view of Baal-worship entering in among us:
The prejudices and opinions that prevailed at
Since Elijah had to meet this same crisis in the days of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, its understandable that God will send him to help us in our crisis.
But please note: as our excellent Lesson makes clear, the coming Elijah will not specialize in chopping off the heads of the modern prophets of Baal. In the great shaking so soon to take place, they will rise up against the straight testimony and will leave on their own initiative. No need to replay a modern Brook Kishon (cf. 1 Kings
First of all must come reconciliation with God Himself. Our natural state of heart is enmity against God (
Just as Elijah differentiated between the true religion of ancient Israel and the clever counterfeit of the surrounding nations (Baal-worship), so our coming Elijah will differentiate between the pure true message of justification by faith that the Lord in His great mercy sent us in 1888 and that of the popular churches of Babylon today. To superficial minds,
This Quarters Lessons have been excellent. The Lord has not been asleep; neither should we be asleep! The time has come for far less time to be spent in the amusements of this world and in seeking its wealth and luxuries. Beg the Lord earnestly to give you a hunger and thirst after righteousness (Matt. 5:6). Its a sin not to be hungry! (Why? Theres a personal choice involved somewhere, a choice to reject the Holy Spirit.)
Now comes a new Quarter of lessons that directs our minds to the foundation truths that separated us from the popular churches (the rock whence we were hewn, Isa. 51:1). May the Lord give us all that hunger that will motivate us to study clearly what these truths are, to mark our Bibles, and let Him create in our inmost souls those rivers of living water that will make us a refreshment to all we shall meet from now until the coming of the Lord in the clouds of heaven.
But please dont discard this Quarters Lesson book! It is a permanent volume for our libraries; it will be timeless. It may be (and I believe that it is) an evidence that Elijah has already begun his final work of turning hearts.
Robert J. Wieland
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