Dear Insights Subscribers,
We would like to remind you of the mini 1888 message conference this coming weekend at the Meadow Vista, California, Seventh-day Adventist Church, and invite you to join us in our study of the Elijah message as it relates to the most precious message of 1888. We realize that most of you are too far away to attend, but if you are interested in tapes or CDs of the meetings, please let us know.
The Insights Staff
The Elijah Message and 1888
May 25-27, 2006
(Thursday evening Saturday night)
Meadow Vista Seventh-day Adventist Church
1461 Meadow Vista Road, Meadow Vista, California
Speakers: Paul Penno, Robert J. Wieland, Dan Peters, Arlene Hill, and others
Thursday, May 25
7:00 p.m., Limping Between Two Opinions, Paul Penno
Friday, May 26
9:30 a.m., How I Discovered this Most Precious Message, Mike Rich
10:30 a.m., The 1888 Message and Elijah, Robert J. Wieland
2:00 p.m., The Hearts of the Fathers, Dan Peters
3:00 p.m., In the Spirit and Power of Elijah, Paul Penno
7:00 p.m., Coming! Elijah Is on the Agenda, Robert J. Wieland
Sabbath, May 27
10:00 a.m., Sabbath School, The Christians Guide, Robert J. Wieland
11:00 a.m., Where the Fire Falls, Paul Penno
2:00 p.m., The Outcast Women and 1888, Dan Peters
3:00 p.m., The Triumph of the 1888 Message, Robert J. Wieland
4:00 p.m., Why Did God Send the 1888 Message?, Arlene Hill
7:00 p.m., Roundtable discussion: Bread for a Famishing Church:
Answers to Tough Questions
Q & A Sessions, Book Sales; Some Meals will be Provided
For more information: (530) 477-0390; e-mail:
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Directions to the Meadow Vista SDA Church:
From Sacramento: Take I-80 east past Auburn. Exit at Meadow Vista/Clipper Gap. Turn left at the stop sign, and go over the freeway overpass. You will be on Placer Hills Rd. Go 2 mi., and turn left on Meadow Vista Rd. (at the gas station). Go 0.4 mi., and turn left at the Meadow Vista Church sign(s).
From Reno: When you exit at Meadow Vista/Clipper Gap, continue on Placer Hills Rd., and follow the directions above.
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