Monday, July 03, 2006

Special Notice for "Insights" Subscribers

Dear “Insights” Subscribers


Recognizing that his Sabbath School Lesson comments are not always “ordinary,” the editors of ADVENTIST TODAY and SPECTRUM Magazine have both invited Robert J. Wieland to contribute comments for their publications regarding this “hot” Adventist topic of the Sanctuary, 1844, the Judgment, and the Gospel. Wieland’s comments on the 14 lessons (available on cassette tapes, CDs, and MP3s) are made within the context of the “hot” comments that are rocking the church during this 3rd Quarter. Helpful to Sabbath School teachers as well as class members.


Order a perpetual subscription and the media of your choice will automatically be mailed to you every quarter, or order by individual quarter. Available by calling the 1888 Message Study Committee: (269) 473-1888, or inquire by e-mail:

[Note: The office will be closed July 4.]


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