Insights #01 Oct. 6, 2012
Fourth Quarter 2012 Adult Sabbath
School Lessons
“The Great Controversy: The Foundation ”
For the week of Oct. 6, 2012
“The Great Controversy: The Foundation ”
For the week of Oct. 6, 2012
Great Controversy: The Foundation
this quarter we will study some of the “28 Fundamental Beliefs” of our Church.
We need to keep in mind what the author’s introduction states regarding these
fundamentals. They “are not a creed in the sense that one could not expect any
further development of the truths expressed in them (or that even more
teachings could be added).” [1]
quarter’s first lesson is about the Great Cosmic Controversy theme as revealed
to us in Scripture. This theme is foundational for the entire quarter and
should be remembered as we study the lessons, especially, for this quarter. The
Great Controversy theme truly is predominant in the Bible. This conflict is
about the prolonged cosmic contention
existing between the former covering cherubim, Lucifer, and his Creator.
Central to the conflict is God’s love.
founder of this dispute is Lucifer. No sane reason can be presented for the
existence of his opposition. This is an unexplainable mystery. How could a
perfectly created being, made in God’s image, become a devil (Eze 28:15)? It is
the “mystery of iniquity.” He turned against God who loved him with an
everlasting love. In turning from God’s love, Lucifer made choices that led to
his diabolical hatred of God. Had he been able to do so, he would have torn God
from His throne and would have placed himself there because this was the meditation
of his heart (Isa 14:12-14).
is another “mystery” infinitely greater than the “mystery of iniquity.” It is
the “mystery of godliness.” This mystery is about God, His character of love,
and His plan for our redemption. The plan of redemption is simply the carrying
out of God’s original plan in the creation of mankind – that they are to be in
the image of God (Gen 1:26, 27; Rom 8:28). The plan involved the suffering of
“Seed of the women” and the eventual destruction of the devil including all evil
(Gen 3:15). The plan of redemption also promises forgiveness to all who have
faith in Christ alone. And it promises to restore the image of God in those who
have a heartfelt appreciation for what God has done for them, in Christ.
Great Controversy began in the mind of Lucifer and this while he was in the
very presence of God. He undoubtedly knew God better than any other created
being. He would have revealed God’s love, throughout the far flung universe, in
all the power of his angelic majesty and ability. But, in time, through his God
given ability to choose, he became the creation of his own confused and
perverted imagination.
war broke out in heaven, it raged within the mind and heart of Lucifer. The
conflict between good and evil first began there; then worked its way out in
his life and in the lives of others such as Adam and Eve and one third of the
angels. “The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his
heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords” (Psalm
55:21). Out of the abundance of his heart he spoke and acted. That war
continues. What was, still is. “Perversity is in his heart, he devises evil
continually, he sows discord.” (Proverbs 6:14)
the morning star, closest to the Source of Light, began to think that he was
the source of his own light. But his taper came from God – from the blazing
glory that radiates from His person. The Bible pictures the glory of God as
fire (Dan 7:9,10). He is called a “consuming fire” (Ex 24:17; Deut 4:26; Heb
12:29). But He “fireproofed” Lucifer before he sinned. God continues to give
him existence. This is essential because every intelligent person in the
universe, one day, will be fully convinced and will acknowledge that Lucifer
was wrong in starting his controversy with God.
word “consume” means an intensive and complete destruction. This consuming fire
of God is the source of energy millions upon millions of times more intense
than all the combined power of all the atomic bombs of mankind. The atomic bomb
cannot vaporize everything. But the fire of God can. Although Eze 28:12-17
informs us of the time when Lucifer was “fireproof,” the time is coming when he
will be flammable – at the end of the millennium (Rev 20:7-10).
Great Controversy involves all of us. We will either fight God or accept Him.
In either case we will be involved in God’s fire. Either you and I will be
refined by His fire (Mal 3:2; 1 Pet 6,7), or like Lucifer, flammable, at the
end of the millennium (Matt 25:41; Rev 20:15).
The choice
is ours.
Jesus invites us into His sin consuming fire. He offers us His faith and His
garment of righteousness (Rev 3:18), both of which were tempered by the fierce
fires of temptation when He dwelt on earth (Heb 4:15,16; 5:7-9; 2:18; Rom
5:19). Consequently the “faith of Jesus” and His righteousness are now
eternally fireproof.
need to remember that the everlasting fire is in heaven and not in hell (Isa
33:14). In heaven, God’s people will be forever “fireproofed ” (Isa 33:15). God
has sent His message that, if believed, will both purge and make us
“fireproof.” It is the message of His righteousness presented in the most
alluring terms in His counsel to Laodicea (Rev 3:18). Those only who are made
righteous by faith in Christ alone will be made fireproof that will last throughout
ongoing cosmic conflict between good and evil – the Great Controversy – is
described accurately in the books we know as “The Conflict of the Ages.” This
series begins with Patriarch’s and
Prophets and ends with The Great
Controversy. Patriarchs and Prophets
begins with three words and The Great
Controversy ends with the same three. The first is a declaration. The last
is the affirmation formally and explicitly of those three words. We will close
this Insight with the last paragraph of the series and the three words:
“The great
controversy is ended. Sin and sinners are no more. The entire universe is
clean. One pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation. From
Him who created all, flow life and light and gladness, throughout the realms of
illimitable space. From the minutest atom to the greatest world, all things,
animate and inanimate, in their
unshadowed beauty and perfect joy, declare that God is love.”[2]